Using virtual environments allows you to isolate your Python projects from each other. Using this guide, you can get up and running with an easy-to-use virtualenv workflow in minutes.
New to development? You can get started with Python development quickly using Visual Studio Code. VS Code comes with many features, such as IntelliSense (code completion), built-in run and debug support, and Git integration.
tmux is a necessary tool for anyone doing work in a terminal. Why not make the
experience more aesthetically pleasing? I personally trick out my terminal with
powerline. Powerline [
If you're accessing AWS using the aws command line tool, you already have to manage a set of credentials locally. A better solution is to use aws-vault to streamline your workflow.
Updating the Ghost publishing platform when security patches are released is crucial to protect your site from getting hacked. This guide will show you how to upgrade self-hosted installations of Ghost to the latest version.